
Please, complete the form bellow to download the report requested:

I accept the privacy policy:

CLIMATE STRATEGY, S.L. guarantees all the necessary measures to ensure confidentiality in processing this information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations; the following is the information you should know:

Organisation responsible: Identidad: CLIMATE STRATEGY, S.L. - NIF: B85655868 Address: Paseo Recoletos, Nº 5, Oficina 604, 28004, Madrid. Telephone: 915764837. E-mail address:
Purpose: To download the document requested.
Legal requirement: your consent that you wish to download the document.
Addressees: when the information reaches CLIMATE STRATEGY, S.L , it is stored in a secure server kept behind a firewall designed to block unauthorised access from outside the company and that complies with the above mentioned regulations.
Rights: CLIMATE STRATEGY, S.L guarantees the right, among others, to access, correct, limit and delete your information.
Location: you can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection at the Web site: